How does one start talking about them self? I'm so happy you stopped by! Too forced?  Thanks for checking out my site! Too cliche?   I'm not very good at this.  Crickets...

So I'm Jenna and I write. It's all I've ever really wanted to do. I'm married with two daughters and I’m just going to say it now— I love Twilight. Now that that’s out of the way I also recite Jim Carrey movies in my daily life.  And, yes! I admit it! I love party planning and decorating for holidays, ok? I'm THAT mom.

I’m so excited to release my debut novel on 8/28/23. It has all the things I love. Witches, vampires, love and New Orleans. I hope you’ll take a chance on it and check it out!

 I know that time is precious so I really do appreciate any of your time spent on me.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.