37 Feels Like Heaven
So, you know, I recently had a birthday. And forgive me but, I love my birthday! Bring me the cake, bring me the food, bring me the company and yes, bring me the presents. I DIG that shit. But my husband, man he loves to remind me that I’m getting old. Like, I legit will need a wheel chair soon. And, uh I hate to break it to him, but nothing could be further from the truth. My body may age, ripple and wrinkle but I have detailed evidence below to support the fact that I am NOT getting old., in fact I’m staying young.
Exhibit A- Vivienne
Since saying your child is “challenging” is technically frowned upon I’m going to go with “spirited”. Vivienne has been spirited (replace spirited with challenging in your brain) really since she was born. She’s never stopped. You cannot be old with a child like this. You must have a sharp mind with cat-like reflexes! She can do ANYTHING at ANY moment and you must always be prepared! This keeps the mind sharp! Oh, they say it gets better with age, but it doesn’t! She only gets sneakier! See photos for further evidence.
Glitter. Glitter everywhere. This doesn’t even scratch the surface folks!
Thought she was playing nicely
Okay, yes she’s very young here. But if you think she wouldn’t do this anymore, you’re wrong!
That time she made herself a zombie
That time she decided to make her own gallon of chocolate milk
Exhibit B- My Mother
I’m 37 years old, shopping at Target with my mother. I hear “Marco” yelled from across the store. My mortified “Polo” response barely reaches a whisper. Nuff said.? I’m still a child.
Capturing the moment
Exhibit C- My Vans
I just got these kick ass high top Vans that allll the teenagers wear! I’m practically a high schooler, yo!
Got my Vans on, but they look like sneakers.
Exhibit D- Momo
This is my grandmother. Bowling at 89 years old. This is proof that I don’t have just good genes, I got great genes!
So there you have it. Proof that I am young. So very young. The youngest 37 year old you’ve ever seen. I rest my case.
But in all seriousness- I’m going to end this post with some facebook words I posted a couple of years ago on my birthday. My sentiment hasn’t changed one iota. I can laugh and joke about staying young, but I can honestly say I’m happy to have the privilege to grow old. It just keeps getting better. Like to hear it? Here it go-
For as long as this heart is beating and these lungs are breathing, I will celebrate this day every year of my life. I won’t loathe growing older. I won’t eat the slop this culture tries to feed women. I refuse to waste my life consumed with ideas that work against me instead of benefit me. My body and face were given to me at birth and they are just the houses for the important stuff. My mind and soul are mine to mold and design however I want. The possibilities are endless.