Oh. Hey there. I thought you left. Welcome back. This is my second post. Ignore my awkwardness and read what I’ve been up to.
2018 is almost over and just when we were getting comfortable with each other! Back in May I sent my manuscript, Guardians of the Dead, to an editor whom I feel is kinda a big deal. I secretly hope she never reads this, because it will be riddled with mistakes, possibly that “whom” a couple lines above being one of them. I can’t really tell ya’ll how much she taught me. But did you know that you never run TOWARDS something? It’s TOWARD something. I know, right? Mind blown.
After five months of going back and forth with my editor, making changes to plot and structure, and learning proper English I thought I already knew— my baby is complete and I had to decide what I was going to do from that point. I spoke to my editor about it and made a scary decision. For now, I’ve decided not to self publish and try to go trade.
But this means I need an agent. An agent has to want me, has to believe in my manuscript, believe that it will sell. I’m currently working on my query letter to submit to agents and keeping my fingers crossed that someone, anyone will believe in a book I started ten years ago. A crazy idea that grew and grew into 94,000 words. I’m told it’s a long, grueling, heart wrenching process, but I’m no stranger to those things so I’m up for it. And I’ve got to at least try. So that’s what’s been going on in my writing world.
My personal world is filled with some cool ass kids, a hot baby daddy, our business and family I adore 98% of the time. I’m looking forward to 2019, to more writing (I’ve already started two new books) and trying with all I’ve got to get a book deal. Wish me luck. I’m fucking nervous.
What about you guys? Whatcha been up to? Ready for Christmas?