I'm Jenna Walker and I'm Uncomfortable With All Of This

My own website? What am I thinking?

An Instagram account dedicated to said website? I must be insane!

Well, let me explain.

I recently went to a writing retreat filled with writers I admire and slightly stalk on most social media platforms. And I left inspired.  I'm a book nerd. I started writing my first book when I was vacationing in Oklahoma. I was twelve. I never finished "Tales of 6th Grade Drama" but I'm certain if I had it already would have been made into a feature film, and academy awards would be lining my walls.

I digress.

Shit got real when my 9th grade English teacher, the brooding and inspiring Mr. Litvin, a legit Russian with a swoony accent wrote in my yearbook "Send me a copy of your first best seller."  And dammit, I really wanted to send him that book! But...I still haven't.

It's all good because I have lived a fantastic life and one thing you never get too old for is writing.  I have semi-finished my first book and am editing it and maybe one day I will self-publish it. And maybe even one day you (Yeah, you!) will read it.

But until that day comes, I'm going to blog about books I'm reading and writing and music I love and my life. And who knows- maybe my semi-psychotic six year old will make it in the blog or maybe even my nine year old that's convinced she's nineteen, or a husband that's so charming I can never possibly live up to him and his perfect smile? It's 2018. Anything can happen! And I've got serious passions, yo. Like Prince, cookie dough, reciting movie quotes and a coffee mug addiction. Not a coffee addiction, a coffee mug addiction. Just to be clear. I know you're hooked now. You can't barely wait for my next post. You are so excited you can't stand it, right?!? Me too!

